These issues are both complicated and simple. Let me explain it this way. I sought training that would allow me to treat my dental patients who had bite related problems that complicated their dental treatment. When you do this you end up treating issues that are commonly called “TMJ” or Temporomandibular Joint issues. TMJ treatment issues usually have to do with pain and limitation in the jaw joint, face, head and neck as well as problems with the teeth and gums that result from these bite problems. My training is based on principles that are referred to as bioesthetic dentistry. After first educating the patient about TMJ treatment and doing an exam to base our findings and decision to move forward, bioesthetic dentists then have the patient wear an occlusal splint to begin to control the clenching and grinding that we do as a result of the way that the brain deals with our bite discrepancies. Once we have controlled, or stopped, the clenching and grinding the patient and the dentist then decides what the options are and what the next step in TMJ treatment will be. Most individuals just use the splint at night time after the initial TMJ treatment occurs and they feel better. At this point we just do “normal” dentistry if they need any. For some others who feel it is necessary to improve health, comfort or esthetics more comprehensive dentistry is an opton to consider.
Now, what I found when I started doing bioesthetic dentistry 12 years ago is that while controlling the clenching and grinding issues other things get better. Headaches go away; even migraine headaches. Neck and back discomfort reduces or go away completely. Sleep quality improves significantly since one isn’t working the muscles at night to clench and grind. With better sleep comes better rest and that makes everything better since I believe that most of us are sleep deprived for a number of reasons including bite issues. And I could go on and on. There are so many symptoms and complaints that patients have reported to get significant improvement in or complete resolution. These are not my claims but rather the experiences of over 500 individuals that I have treated over the last 12 years and these are what my bioesthetic colleagues have reported seeing nationally with their patients as well. Do I claim that “ALL” headaches, back problems and other assorted problems are due to bite issues and can therefore be treated with a bioesthetic splint? Of course not but for 99% of the patients that I have treated this is the case. So it is at least possible and something that people should consider if they have these symptoms and traditional medical treatment isn’t resolving the problem.
This was that case with Kasia Redden.